My name is Mary and I’m originally from Maine. I graduated from Salem College in 2010 (Salem is a woman’s college in Winston-Salem, North Carolina), where I studied Creative Writing. I recently finished a year of service with Catholic Charities Service Corps in Buffalo, New York (it’s connected to AmeriCorps). I worked for Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Assistance. After my year of service, I had planned on going to graduate school to get my MFA in Creative Writing, but spending a year serving the poor and marginalized changed my mind and I decided to keep working for Catholic Charities, this time working with people who are at high risk of becoming homeless or who are homeless. I still hope an MFA is in my future, I just don't know when.
It probably goes without saying that I love to write and read, but I also like to do a lot of other things. I like to spend time outside in nature (when it isn’t horribly cold, really hot, or really buggy—so it’s kind of limited), I love exercise (I walk, jog, lift weights, and do yoga), and I enjoy a good conversation. I really love learning of almost any kind and if I had unlimited time and money, I’d go back to school and major in English, Women and Gender Studies, Exercise Science, Communication, Sociology, Psychology, Biology, and Social Work (in that order).