Friday, November 25, 2011


For a little over a month I've been keeping a gratitude journal. Every night right before I turn out my light, I write down at least three things I'm grateful for about the day I just had. Some days I write a lot more than three things and other days I have to write things like “I'm grateful there are only two days left in the workweek” (and the next day followed by “I'm grateful there is only one day left in the work week”).

One thing that keeping a gratitude journal has taught me already is to look for things to be grateful for in my day and make a mental note of them. Even if they don't make it into the actual gratitude journal because I don't remember by the end of the day, making a mental note of the good things that happen helps me stay positive and in a state of gratitude throughout the day.

I plan on making the gratitude journal a part of my regular spiritual practice because I really think it's made a difference in the short time I've been keeping it. Gratitude isn't just for Thanksgiving, though it's great to have a whole day full of gratitude too.

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